Interpretation of a chest Xray

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Sir, This Xray belongs to *blah blah.

It is an erect posteroanterior chest Xray.

It is a good quality X-ray taken in deep inspiration, with no rotation and good penetration.

The most striking abnormality is seen on the left side of the X-ray, where there is a homogenous opacity. It has silhouetted both cardiac and diaphragmatic borders. The upper margin is well distinct and it is concave upwards.

I can not see any significant abnormality in the rest of lung fields such as consolidation or mass lesions.

The trachea has slightly deviated to the right side.

It is not possible to comment on cardiac size. There are no mediastinal abnormalities.

I can not see any rib erosions or bone lesions.

Soft tissue shadows appear normal.

In conclusion, this shows a left-sided moderate pleural effusion with a mediastinal shift. There are no features to suggest a secondary cause such as consolidations, masses or bone deposits.


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