
Picture of the day 21/01/2019

This elderly lady presented with this itchy skin rash. The rash had been worsening for the last several weeks despite applying a betamethasone cream she found in a cupboard. What is the diagnosis? How would you treat? Scroll down for answer This is extensive scabies (Norwegian)

Picture of the day - 20/01/2019

This kid was brought by a worried mother who thinks the kid has a problem in her neck. You examine the neck but neck looks normal. Where could be the actual problem? Scroll down for the answer She has right-sided trochlear (IV) nerve palsy

Picture of the day 19/01/2019

This belongs to a 68 years old man being investigated for altered bowel habits. What is abnormal? What is the main concern? Scroll down for the answer The right pedicle of L1 vertebra is missing!!  Suspect malignancy with metastasis or tuberculosis.

Picture of the day 18/01/2019

A 65 years old man presents with chronic backache. He has some symptoms of bladder outflow obstruction. He has no neurological signs in the lower limbs. DRE shows a moderately enlarged prostate with no suspicious features. How would you proceed? Scroll down for the answer. This shows the wall of a calcified aortic aneurysm. Lateral Xray

Picture of the day 17/11/2019

This 19 years old netball player came with on and off right sided non specific chest pain. On examination you noted an occassional ectopic beat. The patient is reviewed with this ECG. What would you do? Scroll down for the answer. This ECG features suggest the possibility of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy . She needs to be seen by a cardiologist. What needs to be remembered is whenever you see a young patient with cardiac complaints, or with any ECG abnormality make sure to ask 1. Family history of cardiac deaths 2. History of syncopal episodes Unless specifically asked, it's unusual for them to come out with such points spontaneously.

Picture of the day - 16/01/2019

This elderly lady from estate sector admitted with exertional shortness of breath. BP 140/90. Lungs clear. What is the cause for SOB? Scroll down for the answer The patient has jaundice, pallor, and pigmentation, suggestive of B12 deficiency. 

Picture of the day 15/01/2019

Oral hairy leukoplakia. The patient needs to be evaluated for underlying immunodeficiency, mainly HIV/AIDS.