2 min read - Herpes Zoster

This lady presented with a painful rash over the face for 2 days' duration. (Picture from internet) What is this? This is reactivation of varicella-zoster infection in the ophthalmic division of trigeminal ganglion, also known as herpes zoster or shingles. What are the features? The diagnosis is easy and the presentation is typical. Patients present like this with an extremely painful vesicular eruption confined to a single dermatome. Sometimes pain can be the presenting complaint and the rash can appear later. Who can get this? Anyone! But you see more complications in the elderly and in those who are immune compromised. Is it contagious? Until the vesicles are crusted, it is contagious. So try to keep the rash covered if possible, and get the patient to wash hands frequently! So the treatment is aciclovir and gabapentin, isn't it? Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Well, in some patients that may suffice. But not in this patient. Why? One thing yo...