Things not to miss - Subcutaneous emphysma

An elderly male patient was transferred to medical casualty ward in the evening with a history of severe left sided chest pain for last 2 hours. It was revealed that in fact the patient got the pain only after he had fallen at home and the chest impacted on nearby chair. The pain was of pleuritic nature. On examination the patient was hemodynamically stable and the saturation was 100%. House officer noted some crepitus over the painful area. Air entry was symmetrical. He prescribed analgesics and ordered a Chest Xray. Several hours later the house officer was called to see the patient by the nursing officer as the patient was complaining of increasing shortness of breath. The patient was very restless and was dyspnoeac. Oxygen saturation was 89%. House officer noted his chest to be swollen and the crepitus was extending up to neck. His Xray which was taken few hours before was on the bed side table. The registrar was summoned immediately and with the help of the surgical team a...